frozen the musical
Theatre Royal Dury Lane
“Go see it! You will be amazed and enthralled!”
“These transformational moments video-designed by Finn Ross are big & blinding, & there are breathtaking displays of fizzing light & crackling sound.”
The highest-grossing animated film of all time, Disney’s ‘Frozen’, made its Broadway debut at the St James Theatre, NYC. Finn Ross and FRAY Studio were tasked with making video content to bring the show to life with a theatrical world of snow, ice and the Northern Lights.
FRAY collaborated with Christopher Oram, Set and Costume designer, and Richard Nutbourne Scenic Studio, to develop a ground-breaking technique. This enabled scenery which looked like stone or wood under normal theatre lighting, to magically transform into ice when a series of custom-made LED screens embedded beneath the scenic surface were activated.
The Aurora Borealis weaved throughout the entire show as a constantly shifting, intricate presence. These lights were wholly created through live rendering using Notch and a Disguise GX2 server.
Fray Team
Animation: Adam Young, Robert Figueria, Dan Lund & Austin Swister
Notch Animation: Adam Young
Art Work: Walt Disney Animation Studio & Finn Ross
Initial Concept Development: Ash Woodward, Norv Genys, Helen Frost & Alex Uragallo
Technical Associate & System Design: Jonathan Lyle
Programmer: Zach Peletz
System Engineer: Asher Robinson
Creative Team
Book: Jennifer Lee
Music & Lyrics: Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
Directed: Michael Grandage
Choreographed: Rob Ashford
Scenic Design: Christopher Oram
Costume Design: Christopher Oram
Lighting Design: Natasha Katz
Sound Design: Peter Hylenski
Video Design: Finn Ross
Puppet Design: Michael Curry
Hair Design: David Brian Brown
Makeup Design: Anne Ford-Coates
Photo credit: Deen van Meer
167-169 Great Portland Street,
5th Floor,
London, W1W 5PF
E-Mail: info@fraystudio.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 3637 3111
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